In 1997 I traveled to Qinhuagdao, China to study and to receive the first level certification for Chi-Lel Chigong. I made this decision after doing a workshop with Luke Chan in San Francisco – I had such a fantastic experience in the practice of this particular form of Chigong, that when Luke announced he would be taking a group to China to study at the “Medicineless Hospital”, I knew I had to go.
There were many challenges for me on the trip, some difficult and also some profound moments that will be with me for the rest of my life. At the hospital in Qinhuagdao, I met with many people that were told to go home and die, that nothing more could be done for them. Instead, they chose to go to the medicineless hospital, where they practiced this form of Chigong for several hours a day.
Miracles and unexplained events seem to happen there and it was very rich experience for me.
Gregg Braden, NY Times best selling author, talks about his experience at the medicineless hospital, which you can find on line.
Over the past several months, I’ve had a structural imbalance that I’ve been focused on healing. I have seen a few different practitioners, all producing results, but not resolving the discomfort. A few months ago I thought, well, this is my opportunity to do a deep dive into my practice and to deep dive into my belief systems and welcome in some miracles.
I committed to doing a daily practice and the results have been extraordinary!
I am looking forward to sharing this Chigong practice with you in August.
This August, all Thursday mornings 9:30am to 11am, I will teaching this practice and combining it with the Melt Method at Motion Pacific downtown Santa Cruz.
Look forward to seeing you there!
And, yes, that's me on the throne in the picture ;)
With Affection, Rita